Wirrabirra Primary School is situated in the Perth metropolitan area in the City of Gosnells under the jurisdiction of the South Metropolitan Education Region. The school campus has shared facilities with an Education Support Centre and operates an inclusive program for all students. This enables the education programs for students to be supported by teacher expertise from the Primary School and Education Support Centre. The campus is referred to as Wirrabirra School. Enrolments are currently 412 Kindergarten to Year Six.
Wirrabirra Primary operates seventeen teaching and learning areas supported by a Library Resource Centre, Music Room, ICT Learning Hub, Science Room, LOTE Room, two undercover areas and school kitchen. The school also has a purpose built Dental Therapy Unit on site.
The school grounds are extensive with a large grassed oval, two soccer pitches, a football field, two basketball courts and three adventure play areas. An extensive permaculture and vegetable garden forms an important part of our Environmental Science program. All gardens and grounds are fully reticulated and the buildings are air conditioned and security fenced.
The staff of Wirrabirra has a wide range of experience from varied backgrounds in education. All staff undertake regular professional learning on current trends and programs particular to our school. This staff expertise and experience allows the school to operate specialist programs in Physical Education, Music, LOTE (Indonesian), Maths and ICT Capabilities.
Wirrabirra has developed a unique culture that defines the ethos and philosophy of our school and there are a number of programs that demonstrate this;
* The teaching staff work in collaborative partnerships to strive for excellence in delivering quality teaching and learning programs.
* Teaching and Learning Operational Plans are based on the Western Australian Curriculum and promote a whole school approach.
* The school is fully networked for ICT. Interactive technologies are well developed.
* There is a whole school approach to discipline based on Positive Behaviour Support and all staff being trained in classroom management and participating in ongoing coaching to maintain consistency.
* A social emotional curriculum program (PAThS Promoting Alternative Thinking Skills) is taught across the school and reinforced positively at a number of levels.
* The school has a strong pastoral care focus supporting students in their learning and interaction with others supported by a School Chaplain. Students have access to PAThS, Rainbows (Support program for students experiencing loss or grief) and a SAER (Students at Educational Risk) support team. In addition, the parents have access to the Positive Parenting Program and a Parent Information Centre.
* Environmental education and caring for the environment has a significant role in our learning programs.
* The arts are promoted through our Music program with choir, instrumental, recorder, ukulele and a rock band.
* An emphasis on physical skill development and competition is promoted through sports programs.
* The integration of ICT and maintaining relevance to learning is supported with new technology and learning programs.
* A Student Manifesto and Parent Agreement documents are public statements that we believe in and work towards.
* The school has an active and supportive Parents and Citizens Association that meets regularly. The P&C oversee the operations of the School Canteen and Clothing Pool. A number of sub committees support the school through fundraising. The P&C have made strong commitments to improving our school buildings, grounds and educational resources.
* The School Council is well represented by parents who participate in the development of school planning, policy and future directions.
For further information please don’t hesitate to contact us.